The new version of the configuration software of RFID

The new version of the configuration software of RFID

In the new software has been added additional code formats.

As we know, the standard card unique sends five bytes of code card. Depending on the selected output format set in the configuration program we get:

Binary – sequence of five bytes received directly from the card. This format is used almost exclusively in the mode: virtual COM port

HEX LowerCase Letter – received code is converted to hexadecimal system (hexadecimal) of the lowercase instance: 1a2b3c4d5e.

HEX UpperCase Letter – received code  is converted to hexadecimal system (hexadecimal) with large letters for example: 1A2B3C4D5E.

HEX UpperCase Letter Minus – received code is converted to hexadecimal system (hexadecimal) with large letters and also between bytes is introduced character “-” for example: 1A-2B-3C-4D-5E.

Some applications require data input in decimal format. In this case, selecting:

Decimal 4 byte – transforms the four youngest bytes,  for example: 2B3C4D5E to the value 0725372254

Decimal 3 byte – transforms the three younegest bytes, for example: 3C4D5E  to the value 0003951966

Decimal 3,5 byte – turns three and a half youngest byte, form ecample: B3C4D5E to the value 0188501342

Go to the store: RFID-USB-DESK Reader

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