New Discoverer v.2.0

Users of Inveo modules will definitely be interested in the new version of the Disoverer application. The program is used to search for our devices in the LAN.

Inveo Discoverer v2 1

After installing the application and each time it is started, click the Discoverer Devices button. As a result, the current list of devices on the network will be downloaded.

The application contains basic information about each Inveo device connected to the network: network name, device name, IP address, MAC address, hardware version and software version. The novelty is the information from the DHCP service and the option of remote module configuration. To use it, check the Enable Remote Network Config service in the module settings. After activating this service, user can edit the device settings:

Inveo Discoverer v2 2

After making changes to the settings, remember to confirm them with the button Change.

In short, all change will be saved in the device.

Each column with data in the application can be freely sorted and reordered.

The application is available in the Download tab.

Inveo on RAX

Inveo s.c. starts cooperation with the Israeli representative of Elcon-Mamab Control Instruments Ltd.

Elcon-Mamab Control Instruments is a company dealing in the design, production and sale of control and measurement devices for the Israeli industry. Since its founding, the company has been an outstanding pioneer in the use of latest technologies in its products.

Thanks to our new partner we will be present at the 25th International Exhibition RAX, devoted to electrical engineering, control, automation, instrumentation, pneumatics, lighting systems, energy and energy efficiency.

The exhibition will showcase our latest equipment: Hero Web Sensor, Nano Relay Output, Nano Digital Input, Nano Analog Input, Nano Temperature Sensor and already known to our clients: RFID IND-u2 Reader, uScada and Cronos.

The fair will be held on May 15-17 at the Tel Aviv Fairgrounds.

An example of the practical use of the Nano RFID module

Here is an example of the practical use of the capabilities of the Nano RFID module proposed by ROBOTIZE, specializing in the design and implementation of complex solutions for the industry. Developed by experts from Robotize login system in the technological process allows in a very simple way to manage access, for example to the production line.

More about our partner’s projects

The above video material is the property of

New Nano RFID

Nano series of modules joined by another: Nano RFID

This is the first of this type of module on the market that allows to read RFID transponders via the LAN. The device has been designed for Clients who want to use it to work with their own software.

The module supports protocols HTTP  server mode, HTTP client mode, Modbus TCP, SNMP. It has a built-in web server and the function of messaging TRAP. It has possibility to update the software, the latest version is always available on our website.

The device reads the transponder standard UNIQUE, the carrier frequency is 125kHz, Manchester coding. Reading distance approx. 8 cm.

The new version of the configuration software of RFID

The new version of the configuration software of RFID

In the new software has been added additional code formats.

As we know, the standard card unique sends five bytes of code card. Depending on the selected output format set in the configuration program we get:

Binary – sequence of five bytes received directly from the card. This format is used almost exclusively in the mode: virtual COM port

HEX LowerCase Letter – received code is converted to hexadecimal system (hexadecimal) of the lowercase instance: 1a2b3c4d5e.

HEX UpperCase Letter – received code  is converted to hexadecimal system (hexadecimal) with large letters for example: 1A2B3C4D5E.

HEX UpperCase Letter Minus – received code is converted to hexadecimal system (hexadecimal) with large letters and also between bytes is introduced character “-” for example: 1A-2B-3C-4D-5E.

Some applications require data input in decimal format. In this case, selecting:

Decimal 4 byte – transforms the four youngest bytes,  for example: 2B3C4D5E to the value 0725372254

Decimal 3 byte – transforms the three younegest bytes, for example: 3C4D5E  to the value 0003951966

Decimal 3,5 byte – turns three and a half youngest byte, form ecample: B3C4D5E to the value 0188501342

Go to the store: RFID-USB-DESK Reader

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