• NFC baner
  • Keyboard emulator
  • Remote monitoring

New Nano RFID

Nano series of modules joined by another: Nano RFID

This is the first of this type of module on the market that allows to read RFID transponders via the LAN. The device has been designed for Clients who want to use it to work with their own software.

The module supports protocols HTTP  server mode, HTTP client mode, Modbus TCP, SNMP. It has a built-in web server and the function of messaging TRAP. It has possibility to update the software, the latest version is always available on our website.

The device reads the transponder standard UNIQUE, the carrier frequency is 125kHz, Manchester coding. Reading distance approx. 8 cm.

Discoverer update

Inveo Discoverer v2 1

Known to our Customers Discoverer, that searches for network-connected devices of our production, has been enhanced with new features. Until now it was possible to read following parameters: IP Address, Host Name, MAC Address, Other Info, Hardware version, Software version. In the updated version added the ability to quickly move to the the selected device and to sort data by any parameter by clicking on chosen column.

The program can be downloaded here

The new version of the configuration software of RFID

The new version of the configuration software of RFID

In the new software has been added additional code formats.

As we know, the standard card unique sends five bytes of code card. Depending on the selected output format set in the configuration program we get:

Binary – sequence of five bytes received directly from the card. This format is used almost exclusively in the mode: virtual COM port

HEX LowerCase Letter – received code is converted to hexadecimal system (hexadecimal) of the lowercase instance: 1a2b3c4d5e.

HEX UpperCase Letter – received code  is converted to hexadecimal system (hexadecimal) with large letters for example: 1A2B3C4D5E.

HEX UpperCase Letter Minus – received code is converted to hexadecimal system (hexadecimal) with large letters and also between bytes is introduced character “-” for example: 1A-2B-3C-4D-5E.

Some applications require data input in decimal format. In this case, selecting:

Decimal 4 byte – transforms the four youngest bytes,  for example: 2B3C4D5E to the value 0725372254

Decimal 3 byte – transforms the three younegest bytes, for example: 3C4D5E  to the value 0003951966

Decimal 3,5 byte – turns three and a half youngest byte, form ecample: B3C4D5E to the value 0188501342

Go to the store: RFID-USB-DESK Reader

LanTick PRO new software

LanTick PRO new software

LanTick Home

Responding to the needs of our customers we have created new software (firmware) for modules series LanTick version PRO. In relation to previous versions we have changed / added:

  • page layout – in HOME tab on the top bar is displayed: module type, software version, IP address, MAC address, and the name of the module given by the user
  • added communication protocol KNX / IP -from now, the modules can communicate with each other on a multicast address
  • added creator for quick configuration of KNX IP and frames TCP, UDP
  • changed  names of channels modes (STATIC -> Bistable, TOGGLE -> Astable, 1-Pulse -> Timebase)
  • Timebase mode has been expanded by additional functions (detailed in the manual)
  • each output channel  can be negated  programmatically
  • novelty is also possible to control the blinds (two logical channels are combined into a single to control blinds motor). In this mode the module automatically ensure that at any given time can be switched on only one relay
  • LanTick PRO can, depending on the status of the inputs send frames to other devices and control them. Frames can be sent via protocols TCP / IP or UDP / IP to the programmed address and port as well as via protocol KNX / IP to address port 3671

With this new functions modules LanTick PRO series can be used in building automation and integrated with others companies software.

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